Greetings everyone and welcome

The Dr. Brooke Official Website!

I am a firm believer that we all have been blessed with unique gifts to share and empower the world around us! Not only is it important to strive to be the best version of yourself, it is also essential to help others to do the same!

It starts with identifying your gifts and turning them into purpose! As a Medical Professional, I realized that my degree was full of purpose that transcended far beyond the clinic. It wasn't until I truly unleashed my knowledge and shared it with the rest of the world, that I discovered the passion inside of my purpose. Join me in living a purpose-driven life!


as seen in

let’s chat a bit

Hello, I am Dr. Brooke 

Freedom- for me - is directly connected to my ability to create! I believe it all starts with tapping into our many gifts, talents, and passions! We must be intentional about creating the life we desire and unapologetic about living the life we deserve. It takes courage, innovation, and grit but just knows -you are not alone and your best days are yet to come!


Ready! Set! Grow!

The Triple “P” Masterclass is what you need to take your Existing Knowledge as a Medical Professional and generate a passive income leveraging your expertise. This Free training will show your how to make a  Passive Income of $10k in 30 days! training will equip you with valuable tools to monetize your expertise and Make Additional Income Streams) jumpstart and grow an online business covering topics about :

  • How to monetize your expertise as a Medical Professional

  • How to generate a digital passive income system

  • Step by step guide to creating digital content

  • Launching your own online business

Dr. Brooke has made it her purpose to share the same game-changing resources that took her from a 9 am-5 p employee to successfully making a residual income from home. If you are ready for a life-changing experience click the link below to watch the Free training! 

A life with no purpose is like a ship with no sail...misguided.
— dr. brooke

 A Free Gift From Me

FREE 3 Day Passion Discovery Workshop-Discovering Your Passion!- Finding your passion can be quite the task! I wish I could tell you that my discovery process was effortless I would not be being completely honest...It was a Journey!-But don't worry! I have put together a FREE 3 Day training with a daily guide to help you jumpstart the process. In 3 Days you will have the clarity needed to get started in the right direction! Click below to get started on this life-changing journey!



A few years ago, I became a certified Medical Brand Strategist and Business coach. I have taught other Medical & Health Professionals 8 highly effective, proven strategies so they could Maximize their Degrees to create additional income and get a bigger return on their investment (Their expensive Degree)!

These strategies are SO effective that my clients have used them to make from@$40-$100k in just ONE year. So I thought... maybe I should roll this out to my audience and let them learn how to implement the same strategies that allowed me the freedom to walk away from my traditional 9-5 job and be an even more impactful Clinician. I typically charge Thousand of dollars to share these strategies…but hey here we GO!

Don’t miss out on our next FREE challenge. I can’t guarantee this will happen again. See you soon!


 what clients are saying

As a Health and Fitness advocate for women over 50, it is very challenging to make time to tend to our physical needs. Working with Dr. Brooke and the 6 Figure Digital Practice team provided me with a passive income business that operates in my sleep. I am able to help women achieve their optimal health without being overworked...that’s priceless.
— Nicole, Fitness Instructor
Dr. Brooke supplied us with tools to create a solid business plan which will serve as the roadmap for my Digital business startup and future expansion. My favorite part of the course was the branding and marketing component as I had the opportunity to create “the look” for my business in order to best promote my services. Dr. Brooke provided a talented graphic designer who took my branding ideas and created a logo, a digital business card and flyers to assist with my branding/marketing. I feel more than prepared to launch my Digital Practice!”
— Shelly, Doctor & Women's Health NP
When I came to Dr. Brooke I was unsure if my non-medical expertise would apply to her 6 Figure Digital Practice Model and to my was spot on! Her strategies are applicable for ANYONE from ANY industry who is interested in making multiple passive income streams. My Digital Practice has
completely revitalized my love for my career!
— Julie, Non-Profit & Fundraising Specialist

see what’shot

on the Press 
